Free Seminars at Spencer’s Garden Success Show

Join us for our 29th Garden Success Show seminar series and kick-off to our 91st spring in business! We have a great lineup of speakers from Spencer’s and our trusted colleagues. 

Registration is FREE but space is limited so you must reserve your spot. Click the links below to register.

Sunday, March 9

10:15-11:15 – Lawn Care for the Pikes Peak Region
An encore! Learn how to rejuvenate your lawn after winter, weed control, seeding, fertilizing, and best water-saving lawn care practices. You can have the greenest lawn on the block!

11:30-12:15 – Flourishing Nursery Stock for Our Region
Mark Wallace from Monrovia will talk about trees, shrubs, vines, and peonies that work well in the Pikes Peak region. Learn why Monrovia stocks Spencer’s with the plants they do- from adaptability and aesthetics, to resilience and ecosystem support.

12:30-1:00 – Winged Predators!
Nature’s Educators share their LIVE ambassadors with you! Connect with the ambassadors and learn their personal stories to understand the importance of conservation. Ambassadors are Colorado natives sharing our landscapes and may include a falcon, hawk, owl, a snake and others, depending on whooo’s available!

1:30-2:30 – Green-ish Thumb Vegetable Gardening
Heather Gunnerson of Spencer’s delves into vegetable gardening basics, common mistakes, solutions to problems from insects to low yield, and more.

2:45-3:45 – Beautiful Roses: A Simple Guide to Growing and Nurturing
Maren Goltz discusses the basics of rose care in the Pikes Peak region. Roses can thrive in our area with a few care techniques and simple supplies. Yes, you can grow incredible roses, too!

Garden Show Fountain Mar 7, 8, & 9
Spencer's Lawn & Garden
Store Hours: Garden Success Show! Fountain Location Only Fri March 7 & Sat March 8 9-5 Sun March 9 10-4 Tejon location CLOSED March 7-9