Soil & Mulch

Soil is the basis for all plant life, one of the three most important elements for all vegetation along with sunlight and water. Healthy plants come from soil rich in nutrients, and not all soil is created equal.

For instance, top soil is the least ideal for direct planting, but is great for elevating garden areas or as a base soil for large planters and raised beds. Soils with peat, compost and heavier elements like manures are best suited for combining into the ground and mixing with existing soil for garden planting. Container gardens and planters require potting soil made with perlite and other light soil elements to prevent compaction and allow for good drainage. 

Mulching is an important and often overlooked part of gardening. Mulch keeps moisture in the soil which is necessary in our windy and sunny climate. It also reduces weed seed germination and maintains soil temperatures.


Spencer’s carries only the best in soil and mulch for all garden applications. Fertilome Potting Soil is our go-to for our in-store planting. Fox Farm Ocean Forest is another blend of potting soil ideal for container gardening. Earth Essentials Cow & Compost and Sheep, Peat, & Compost are our favorites for enhancing existing soil. A new application of compost is essential every year to add new microbes and nutrients to the soil. Whether it’s added from your compost pile or composter or you purchase a bag of Nature’s Yield Compost from us, your garden will be healthier and your plants happier.

Mulches from Mountain West keep moisture where it needs to be and makes pulling weeds an easier feat. Gorilla Mulch, Pecan Mulch, shredded red cedar, and medium sized bark get the job done and add the finishing touch to gardens.

Stop by to see our selection of soils and mulches and head to the cashier, where we’ll collect your soil order and load it into your vehicle for you.

Garden Show Fountain Mar 7, 8, & 9
Spencer's Lawn & Garden
Store Hours: Garden Success Show! Fountain Location Only Fri March 7 & Sat March 8 9-5 Sun March 9 10-4 Tejon location CLOSED March 7-9