The right tool for the job! If you need to water a hanging basket, don’t power spray it! Our selection of watering cans and water wands help keep plants from being blasted our of containers and soil in its place. Water your lawn with your choice of hose end sprinklers, ideal to avoid wasting water.
Shovels, rakes, hand trowels, gloves, composters, and kneeling pads are just a few of the supplies you’ll find to make gardening as easy as it can be!

Whimsical, elegant, ornate, or plain, your style of garden art is at our stores!
Birdbaths, benches, and statuary are great additions to a garden, creating micro climates, shade, and seating for humans, birds, pollinators, and wildlife.
Pottery personalizes and stylizes a container garden and adds more flair to a porch or patio.
Decorate a fence, add some sparkle to a flower garden, or perk up a vegetable garden with something special!