
It’s time for our biggest event of the year!

It’s time for our biggest event of the year!

Our annual Garden Success Show takes place at our Fountain location Friday, March 7th and Saturday, March 8th from 9-5, and Sunday, March 9th from 10-4. You’ll find lots of great sales, special promotions, and gifts all around the store! Vendors from all over the country are on hand to help solve your toughest garden problems, introduce you to their products, and talk about our favorite place to be – the garden! Walk through our transformed garden…
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Fall Lawn Care

Fall Lawn Care

It’s about time to put our lawns to bed for the season and there are things to do now to help them look their best in the spring.  First, overseed your lawn. If your lawn is patchy or thinning due to age, heat damage, or other problems, spread grass seed evenly over your existing lawn. Repeat with a thin layer of compost mixed with topsoil for large areas to lightly cover the seed. This will…
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Field Trials

Field Trials

Flower Trials at Welby Gardens Every year, Welby Gardens, the growers of Hardy Boy plants, hosts retailers, industry professionals, and researchers from across the state to evaluate new and improved varieties of flowers from breeders around the world. We are fortunate to be invited to participate and see the hundreds of trial plants grown and vote on the best based on our perspective. We look at things like growth habit, how it would look in…
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Iris Society Rhizome Sale

Iris Society Rhizome Sale

At our Tejon location only, the Elmohr Iris Society presents its annual rhizome sale! Friday, August 2, 9-5, and Saturday, August 3, 9-3. Add beautiful iris varieties to your garden through an organization dedicated to the propagation, cultivation, and hybridization of iris. They educate the public about irises and how to grow them and encourage the wide use of irises in private and public gardens. They are an active group with a test and display…
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Mid June Updates

Mid June Updates

We continue freshening the flower lots with loads of annuals, perennials, and shrubs coming at least weekly. Replace pansies with warmer weather annuals like geraniums, petunias, bacopa, snapdragons, and more! Remember to fertilize your container gardens weekly to keep them healthy and in full bloom.  As the weather heats up, keep an eye on containers to make sure they are getting enough water. Mulch raised beds, gardens, and perennials to keep the soil hydrated and…
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Grasshopper Control

Grasshopper Control

Grasshoppers in Colorado gardens are a big problem because of their destructiveness. They are hard to control because they move around a lot, traveling up to 15 miles each day as adults, and they can eat up to 16 times their body weight daily! What Grasshopper Damage Looks Like When grasshoppers eat plants, the damage looks like ragged chewing which can: Start at the edges and move inward on the leaves. Create large holes within…
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Shade and Hail Cloth

Shade and Hail Cloth

Sun Screen Fabric helps you keep cool when temperatures soar and protects your plants from damaging sun scorch. It’s a versatile solution for all who want to enjoy the outdoors without risking too much sun and heat exposure and protect their gardens from turbulent spring weather. The innovative, breathable fabric will allow heat to escape while cooling the area, reducing temperatures up to 15 degrees. Enhance privacy as you create shade just about anywhere. Ideal…
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Tomato TLC: Nurturing Your Plants to Success

Tomato TLC: Nurturing Your Plants to Success

Join Fertilome expert Daniel Chimeno to learn about tomato success! Everything you need to know from soil to fertilizing to pruning will be addressed. Bring your questions and issues from years past, and every level of gardener is welcome! Daniel is engaging and passionate about gardening and the products he represents. His friendly expertise feels like an effortless conversation while you learn and get inspired. May 25th, 1:00 Tejon location 1430 S. Tejon St. Register…
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Deer Resistant Plants

Deer Resistant Plants

Deer adapt their diets to what is available in their environment in order to survive.  While no plant is completely deer-proof, there are plants that deer MAY avoid:  Perennials- Sun Creeping Phlox Bee balm/Monarda Lavender Yarrow  Black-Eyed Susan/Rudbeckia Foxglove Coneflower  Coreopsis Gaillardia Shasta Daisy Dianthus/Garden Pinks Lupine Russian Sage Catmint Campanula Peonies Daffodils Iris Penstemon Sedum Speedwell/Veronica Hardy Geranium Red Hot Poker Perennials- Shade Hellebore Hosta Astilbe Bleeding Heart Sweet Woodruff Lungwort Annuals- Sun Marigolds…
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Hummingbirds are Coming to Town!

Hummingbirds are Coming to Town!

Did you know that hummingbirds remember where the good food is? If you set up a feeder in the past, they will look for it during their migration! It's the perfect time to get on their Grubhub map! The most common hummingbirds in our region are Broad-tailed, Rufous, Black-chinned, and Calliope Hummingbirds. You might hear them before you see them, as male Broad-tailed hummingbirds make the distinctive high-pitch chirping buzz noise as they zoom along.…
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Garden Show Fountain Mar 7, 8, & 9
Spencer's Lawn & Garden
Store Hours: Garden Success Show! Fountain Location Only Fri March 7 & Sat March 8 9-5 Sun March 9 10-4 Tejon location CLOSED March 7-9